Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Masters: Josiane Zerubia, Advanced Techniques in Signal and Image Processing, 30h eq. TD (20h of lectures), ISAE/SUPAERO, France. Josiane Zerubia is also director of this course (total: 30h of lectures and 10h of TD). This course was given to third-year students at ISAE/SUPAERO and was also validated by the M2 of Applied Mathematics at the University Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, France.

  • Masters: Josiane Zerubia, Deconvolution and Denoising in Confocal Microscopy, 18h eq. TD (12h of lectures), M2 BCC, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France. Josiane Zerubia is also director of this course (total: 24h of lectures).

  • Summer School (PhD and Post-doc level): Josiane Zerubia gave a presentation at the Summer School SSMIA'16 in Budapest, Romania.


  • PhD (defended with best honors): Ihsen Hedhli, Change detection methods for multisensor and multiresolution remote sensing images for applications to environmental disaster management, University of Genoa and Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, started in January 2013, defended in March 2016, Gabriele Moser and Josiane Zerubia.


  • Josiane Zerubia was a member of a PhD defense committee at University of Genoa, in Italy, in March 2016.